Jan 2, 2007


What can i tell about my family...? I like my grandmother very much... and can't imagine that one day will come without her... ;-( And i think of it coz she's not as young as other members of my family.. i hope she will be with me much more time ...

Mother... yes, i love her very much... but it's so daily that sometimes i'd like to live apart... and maybe my current work will help me to become more independent soon.

Father... why he isn't here now// i so wanna to ski with him.. more precisely - to get lessons from him to ski.. i hope next winter we'll make that.

Brother... i'd like to be more closer to him, but i think at the moment it's impossible. It's mine, his and family's fault,,, i hope if he marries we will become more friendly... I want also to see his child soon... and to see him leaving his room --lol--

Auntie... Yes, she is cool. I am happy i have this member of family.

And it's a pity i have no other members :-(

I know that some people don't have this too, but also hope that soon will get new relatives... !

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