Oct 10, 2008

Friday, 10th October

Day was very usual, without any sensations. It began just a little bit later, than usual. What about informations, there was Oni cascade, some auctions from newspaper, electricity export-import, “Euroline” and Ukraine with Timoshenko’s temperature.

I bought for 80 LV ticket Riga-Tbilisi for 30th November J And now only some super power will not let me go in Riga and Vilnius then.

Teona and Nana went to 51th school, and I hope everything will be ok with session. Vakho spoke with Mr. Lagvilava about budget, but don’t know what was the answer.

Ikk called, but only about work L then IT answered some SMS, but I still don’t like something. Now I’m still waiting.

My flat looks little bit better, but still don’t know when it will be finished. Harry comes at 9 and goes at 21. I almost don’t use internet at home, same as don’t watch TV.

So tomorrow is football. Wait, I will ask Shelia if he wants to watch.

But the main thing happened in the late evening. “Euroline” told me they are going to take journalists in Dubai, including IPN’s journalist (probably, me) and photographer also J It’s so cool, because 3 days in UAE will be so great.

From beginning I even was going to say NO because of EYP, but then, after Vakho and Ann spoke with me, I think that nothing is better than to go in Dubai. Ikk told, ITS president is cool guy and likes clubs, swimming pools and restaurants, so this everything will be there. Let’s see what Eka and Baia will tell, but I will feel a little bit confused because of Inga. But when will I have such chance once more?

Will I reach countries number I visited till 8 this year?

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