Apr 9, 2009

Diario #2 episode 6

08.45 - Internet came, can update blog.
09.12 - Dad called and asked if I am going today at Rustaveli. I replied 'sure' and got answer 'you are working at state tv, you remember about that?'
09.15 - I am just Sandro. He is still watching my program? Or we lost one spectator? Day before yesterday was the first time as I remember - more people watched us than Courier.
09.37 - I am in bus and there are only 2 ladies there except me.
09.45 - They don't stop cars near Imedi's entrance.
11.00 - President Saakashvili and opposition leaders gathered in front of parliament in memory of April 9, 1989 events.

11.30 - People began gathering in front of parliament and in 4 different places.
13.05 - My voice was put at Fady Asly's sinchrone.
13.10 - Maestro showed special forces entering 1tv. Today's Capital sucked.
14.10 - Lots of people at Rustaveli. I liked Imedi's videos. I can't go there till 6.

15.10 - At 4 opposition will read statement towards president. 150 000 people are at Rustaveli, - Interpressnews reports.
15.45 - It's raining a bit. French ambassador came in Imedi to check broadcasting.
16.40 - Some protesters moved in front of 1tv. Impossible for everybody to stay at Rustaveli and listen to statements of opposition leaders. David Magradze adressed president and called him to resign. 24-hours term was given to him to reply.
17.31 - Outside is windy and quite cold. I will leave work soon and go there.
18.12 - There are not much people left at Rustaveli. Alasania told leaders will stay at night in front of parliament. Tomorrow 3PM is deadline for Saakashvili.
19.45 - I am in Marriott now, in IPN-s room. There was briefing of Zurabishvili, Davitashvili and Abashidze. They told nothing new, just that Misha should resign.
20.30 - I am in the epicenter. It's cold, but I wanna stay for some time. There are few thousand people still, road is closed. Maisashvili is speaking. Roma and lots of other journalists I know are there.
21.32 - I am at home. Bought some food in the supermarket. To summarise this day, was expecting bit more. But more will be, and weather will be better as well :-) Don't know what should I do at work tomorrow. IPN didn't need my help today. I will work hard at week-end I think.

22.19 - Tomorrow should be last day of diary. But let's see. maybe term will be changed :-) Some time ago I was few times thinking about compatibility of protests and my relations. Now situation is changed. And soon I hope I won't mention that in blog. For somebody maybe its easy to cut hair and to forget everything, but not for me.

22.25 - That's it. I will take shower and sleep. Everybody was afraid of today, but nothing happened. I think I didn't forget any important detail of my day. If I did, you can comment :-) Misha isn't reading my blog?

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